4 Secrets to Weight Loss
In this video webinar you'll learn:
1 - Which dietary fat causes weight gain and which does not.
2 - If counting calories is really necessary.
3 - Which is the master "fat-storage" hormone, and how to minimize it.
4 - One final little-known secret of the most successful fat-burners.
Who should join one of our programs?
If ANY of the 4 below apply to you, then this program is FOR YOU!
1 - If you fail the "STRING TEST" video. (Video here.)
2 - You're a women who had Gestational Diabetes during a pregnancy.
3 - If your fasting blood sugar is 100-125 then you are prediabetic. One out of every 3 adults unknowingly has prediabetes! But 90% do not know they have it, as most doctors do not inform you of this disea.
4 - If you score "FIVE FINGERS" or more in the below "Puppy Video"
What does your string test revel?
0 = Healthy
1 = Overweight
2 = Dangerously Overweight
3 = Medical Morbid Obesity