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4 Secrets to Weight Loss

In this video webinar you'll learn:

1 - Which dietary fat causes weight gain and which does not.

2 - If counting calories is really necessary.

3 - Which is the master "fat-storage" hormone, and how to minimize it.

4 - One final little-known secret of the most successful fat-burners.

Who should join one of our programs?

If ANY of the 4 below apply to you, then this program is FOR YOU!

1 - If you fail the "STRING TEST" video. (Video here.) 

2 - You're a women who had Gestational Diabetes during a pregnancy. 

3 - If your fasting blood sugar is 100-125 then you are prediabetic. One out of every 3 adults unknowingly has prediabetes!  But 90% do not know they have it, as most doctors do not inform you of this disea.

4 - If you score "FIVE FINGERS" or more in the below "Puppy Video"


string test diagram.png

What does your string test revel?

0 = Healthy

1 = Overweight

2 = Dangerously Overweight

3 = Medical Morbid Obesity


Score "5 fingers" or more?

5 or more, your risk is HIGH for having prediabetes now!

Learn more about joining the "PreventT2" diabetes prevention and Weight Loss Program

Preventing T2.png

Are you Insulin Resistant?

Do you know your fasting insulin level?

Research shows  your fasting insulin level is the best predictor.

insulin levels.jpg
As we discuss in this short video, most doctors do not check for insulin resistance. Most don't even remember learning about the definitive test for insulin resistance, the HOMA-IR blood test.  But you have the right to request it from your doctor.
Can't Lose The Belly Fat?
That most likely means you have too much insulin in  your blood stream. Insulin is your main FAT STORAGE hormone - so clearly you do not want too much of it!
How To Get A Fasting Insulin Blood Test
The only way to know your fasting insulin level is with a blood test. 
Your insurance may or may not pay for it. 
To have insurance pay you'll need to get a doctor's orders for the test.
Order An Insulin Test WITHOUT Doctor's Orders for only $34.
As a Trinity Health Coaching client you can avoid the hassle of using a doctor to get written orders for a fasting Insulin test, and avoid the expense of paying your co-pay to get the blood test orders.  By special arrangement with the lab you can order the test here.
Start by clicking the "Step 1" button below to set up a free account with
Then proceed to "Step 2" to purchase your Fasting Insulin Test (WITHOUT Doctor's orders) for only $34.
STEP 3 - Take your online printed blood draw orders to a local QUEST blood draw location.
(Note that you can NOT get blood drawn without either this printed prepaid receipt or a doctor's orders.)
STEP 4 - About a week after your blood draw you'll receive your results by email. You can generally understand your fasting insulin test results using the information above on this page.
For even better clarity, and assistance on next steps in improving your fasting insulin
and easier weight loss, contact us at Trinity Health Coaching.
An Increased HOMA-IR Score Makes it Difficult to Lose Weight
Study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2010 concluded that if you have the below HOMA-IR score you are much more likely to get Type 2 Diabetes.
A HOMA-IR score is calculated using your fasting insulin and fasting glucose. Follow steps 1-4 above to get your fasting insulin tested and let us help you calculate your HOMA-IR score. 
An Increased HOMA-IR Score Makes it Difficult to Lose Weight
Studies published in the National Library of Medicine in 2010, 2011 and 2013 concluded that if you have the below HOMA-IR score you are much more likely to get Type 2 Diabetes.
A HOMA-IR score is calculated using your fasting insulin and fasting glucose.  To order these blood tests follow steps 1-4 above to get your fasting insulin tested and let us (or your doctor) help you calculate your HOMA-IR score.
A HOMA-IR score below 1.0 means your body is performing optimally and utilizing the food you eat correctly. With a HOMA in this "super healthy" range your body is functioning well and keeping your weight at a nice healthy level. 
If your HOMA score is over 2.9, then when you eat even a "healthy diet" your body is likely to store much of the food as belly fat, rather than use it as energy.
  Contact us to see what programs and specials we are offering to
help you lose weight and improve your blood markers.
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